“I know the desires of your heart kid!”

Gosh I haven’t written in a long time. I just re-read the last post that I wrote 160 days ago, (just rest kid). It was about resting in the Lords presence and waiting upon him to lead us to the right path or passion instead of being restless. What I could start out saying is that God is sovereign. He is faithful. He is good and He knows us better than we know ourselves. He has shown me that.  I think all know that but we all have times where we feel like we are waiting for an answer to a prayer for eternity. Waiting on happiness. Waiting for love. Waiting for a passion. Waiting on God to speak. We feel empty and without a purpose at times.  When I wrote my last post, I was in a waiting period, I was just wanting God to show me my next step. During the past few months of waiting, I asked the Lord to speak some words into my heart. And you know what he said “Hollie, I know the desires of your heart, just trust me.” Of course I have always known this, but in the waiting it gets frustrating. But I now know why he was saying those words to me. So About a month ago I went on a trip with Samaritans purse to Long Island to help rebuild homes from hurrican sandy. I couldn’t have been filled with more joy that entire week. Just being surrounded by fellow believers and serving was just such a peaceful and whole feeling in my heart. I knew it was right. I knew I was meant to be there. While I was there i was told about an opportunity to go to Alaska and serve wounded veterans for a month in the summer. So of course I applied! I didn’t want to say that I knew I would be excepted, but I kinda did. Haha. Right after I was told about this trip, I felt like the Lord saying “this is it Holl”  Ive been craving things like this. Serving God, being the hands and feet of Jesus, having complete strangers become family. I’ve been dreaming of standing in front of mountains and waterfalls. Exploring. Seeking. Adventuring. And now I get too. 160 days ago I had no idea. I had no idea God would put this crazy adventure in my life! Ah the waiting was so worth it. Just maybe I wasn’t ready for this 160 days ago. Maybe you’re not ready for what you think you’re ready for. Maybe he still has some refining and strengthening to do. So all I could say, is that Oh does God know the desires of your heart. He does and you just gotta trust he is going to blow your mind with the things he will do. I could have never thought this journey for myself. I’m so glad I follow a God who is so much smarter and way more creative than I am. And that he knows the desires of my heart! Praise God for that.